Thursday, December 31, 2020

Charity/NGO donations in 2020

(in reverse chronological order)

$25 - OSA Foundation Annual Fund

$100 - FFRF one-time donation to counter the Barrett nomination
$40 - Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) yearly membership
10 EUR - Wikimedia Foundation

15 EUR - Race for the Cure

$50 - Detroit NAACP
$50 - Detroit Justice Center

100 EUR - Bruxelles – CHU Saint-Pierre (together with my wife)
50 EUR - The Brothers of Solidarity (Belgium) (together with my wife)

100 EUR - Zagreb Earthquake Relief fund (together with my wife)

$50 - Aeon magazine
$50 - Campaign to Stop Killer Robots
$50 - The Tor Project
$50 - Fight for the Future
$50 - Electronic Frontier Foundation
$50 - The Mozilla Foundation


This isn't meant to shame anyone who can't afford to donate, and isn't meant to garner praise. I just think we should be more open about how and where and why we donate, and try to keep track of it.

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